Technology for Human Safety

Envirobotics acts as a pioneer in the design and development of robotic solutions to handle activities in hazardous environments such as deepwater tank cleanings and underground effluent and sewage tank cleanings with the help of an online effluent monitoring system. Envirobotics has been helping our customers build a better world, making sustainable progress possible in every way. We have been into projects and services in close relation with the environment for a very long time. Knowledge of the barriers faced by our own team was enough to find a solution ourselves.

Life is an opportunity and a way of living is a choice. We are safeguarding human life from those choices of exposure to hazardous environments where their life might be at risk by implementing technology like IoT based water monitoring systems. Our vision is of a robotic sector that provides customers and communities with world-class services and enhances the safety of life.

New technologies and business models can transform how the development community serves people in need. Together, with our partners, we are providing the solutions that help our customers build a better world. Increase levels of customer and stakeholder trust in the sector. Address short and long-term pressures on activities in hazardous environments.


Deep Learning Model For Semantic Image Segmentation


Happy Client Reviews

  • Client Image
    • Rahul Kumar

    Genuinely impressed by such state-of-art technology that has proved useful for my business at every step. I appreciate the sharp attention paid to creating these highly innovative machine learning products.

  • Client Image
    • Manoj Henry

    EnviRobotics with pre-trained AI models is not only a surprisingly fun user experience for us, but it such highly integrated technology has made machine learning more approachable for me.

  • Client Image
    • K. A. Devaraj

    I always something like this for those complex situations which needs to be handled immediately in my absence, I acknowledge EnviRobotics to make our life simple.

  • Client Image
    • Panem Prabhakar

    Focussed App on boarding is made with thorough consideration of customer needs, EnviRobotics has made machine learning more accessible even for Not-So tech savvy people indeed.

  • Client Image
    • Senthilathiban R

    Uninterrupted and rapid functioning, User firendly, easily accessible from any smart device are few words I would like to define products by EnviRobotics.