Our Leadership Team

Our position as an industry leader could not have happened without the commitment and leadership of our founding team. Our team are a group of Mechanical and Electronics engineers who have a vast experience in different fields. We have backed by a talented team of professionals, who are specialized in the field of Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Automation solutions.Their expertise in different technologies and services are combined together forms the excellent performance of Envirobotics. Our board of directors oversees, advises and counsels the management of the company and monitors the management team’s performance and legal and ethical compliance.

Our team of highly qualified and experienced personnel has the industrial acumen and are familiar with each and every requirement of the customers. Hence, they are efficient in providing excellent services to customers.

Problem Statement

We are a team of Engineers passionate in the space of Water and Wastewater Treatment and management. One the major tasks in the industry is to keep the water tanks clean and hygiene, which are underground or overhead tanks with the provision for one/two manholes. It has been found to be a hectic challenge for a tank cleaning service provider to manage a process to cleaning the tank with manpower as there are no or low oxygen levels, risk on the presence of harmful gases, lack of lighting and vision for carrying out the activities. High level of safety precautions for such activities we are still a concern and results in putting the life of manpower in such a harsh environment.

Solution / Technology

We are developing remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV)to clean water tanks with the help of AI and robotic technology, without compromising the efficiency achieved by manual operation. This approach avoids the risk of exposure of human life to the harsh and harmful environment, hence save lives.

Our Team

Leadership Team

Client Reviews

What our client say's

  • Client Image
    • Rahul Kumar

    Genuinely impressed by such state-of-art technology that has proved useful for my business at every step. I appreciate the sharp attention paid to creating these highly innovative machine learning products.

  • Client Image
    • Manoj Henry

    EnviRobotics with pre-trained AI models is not only a surprisingly fun user experience for us, but it such highly integrated technology has made machine learning more approachable for me.

  • Client Image
    • K. A. Devaraj

    I always something like this for those complex situations which needs to be handled immediately in my absence, I acknowledge EnviRobotics to make our life simple.

  • Client Image
    • Panem Prabhakar

    Focussed App on boarding is made with thorough consideration of customer needs, EnviRobotics has made machine learning more accessible even for Not-So tech savvy people indeed.

  • Client Image
    • Senthilathiban R

    Uninterrupted and rapid functioning, User firendly, easily accessible from any smart device are few words I would like to define products by EnviRobotics.